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Our attorneys have the experience and resources to battle deep-pocketed cruise lines who acted irresponsibly, putting you and your family at risk.

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What Happens Next?

Once you've contacted us, we'll call or email you to discuss your individual situation and answer any questions you may have. A Kreindler maritime attorney can explain your options and what you can expect, so you have the information that you need to make the best decision for you and your family.

Time is LimitedThe cruise ship industry has worked hard to make it difficult for you to get the compensation you deserve. Most ticket contracts LIMIT the time you have to file a lawsuit against the cruise line. That’s why it is imperative that you act now. There is no cost or obligation for our initial consultation, and no cost at all to you unless we win compensation on your behalf.

About our law Firm

Founded in 1950, Kreindler & Kreindler is one of the world’s most notable, highly specialized personal injury law firms. We are experienced in complex cases against well-funded, legally savvy organizations like cruise ship companies. Kreindler has prosecuted claims on behalf injured passengers around the globe and we have tried cases in federal court against many cruise lines, including Carnival Corporation and its related entities.

Kreindler attorneys Daniel Rose and Anthony Tarricone look forward to speaking to you about your experience. Partner Dan Rose is a U.S. Navy veteran and seasoned maritime attorney. Former AAJ President, Partner Anthony Tarricone is a well-respected litigator, chosen by Federal Judges to provide leadership in large cases, including the complex Fresenius Dialysis Litigation international settlement and the 1 billion dollar NFL Concussion case.