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Wrongful Death & Serious Injury

Image of two people riding ATVs on a muddy trail.

Wrongful Death & Serious Injury Attorneys

When the Worst Happens, People Turn to Kreindler & Kreindler

June 16, 2023
Kreindler attorneys are closely monitoring the deaths of two American tourists at a Hyatt luxury property near Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. News reports suggest that the cause of death may be related to carbon monoxide poisoning. Reportedly, two first responders were also hospitalized after attending to the victims on the property.

Since 1950, we represent families following wrongful deaths and we seek to find the person or entity responsible for the victim’s death. We find the cause of the accident and identify the responsible person or entity. We then seek the highest amount of compensation for our client and work to ensure that a similar accident never happens.

Kreindler cases arise from wrongful deaths or serious personal injuries. Choosing the right law firm for these cases is a critically important decision because the stakes are high. 

Thumbnail of partners in Kreindler lobby.

The experience and resources to challenge even global companies.

Attorneys across the U.S. partner with and refer to Kreindler for the most challenging and complex personal injury cases, when the stakes are high for both plaintiffs and defense.

Headshot of partner and aviation accident attorney Brian Alexander.
Our sole mission is to find out why an accident happened, make sure it doesn’t happen again and take care of the family left behind following a tragedy.
~ Brian Alexander | Attorney and Partner

Kreindler attorneys represent victims of airplane and helicopter crashes, maritime accidents, train accidents, terrorism deaths such as Pan Am 103 and 9/11hunting accidents, automotive design defects, pharmaceutical, medical, and household product injury. 

A Relentless Drive Capable of Pursuing Even the Toughest Cases

Partner Noah Kushlefsy on Keyless Ignition deaths
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning From Keyless Ignitions

With the ‘keyless ignition’ feature on modern cars, it’s too easy to accidentally leave the car running in the garage after coming home. Managing Partner Noah Kushlefsky has handled tragic cases in which people have died in their homes while their luxury car quietly idled in their enclosed garage. Noah has since made it his mission to have an automatic engine shut-off switch added to all new cars.

Additionally, Noah filed a public comment urging the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to implement an automatic shut-off for any vehicle left running for a period of significant inactivity.

Read more about our keyless ignition cases.

Kreindler attorney Anthony Tarricone appears on CBS Boston speaking about the Eurie Stamps Federal Civil Rights case
Kreindler Settles $3.75M Civil Rights Lawsuit 

A Framingham Police SWAT team descended on the home of Eurie Stamps to serve a search warrant to his 20-year-old stepson. Despite Mr. Stamps’ complete compliance with police commands to lie on the floor face down with his hands above his head, one officer disengaged the safety on his assault-style rifle and aimed the weapon at Mr. Stamps’ head. The weapon accidentally fired and killed Mr. Stamps. Following years of complex litigation, Kreindler attorneys Anthony Tarricone and Joe Musacchio were successful in obtaining a substantial settlement from the Town of Framingham and its insurer on behalf of the Stamps family.

Kreindler Litigates $20k Demand Letter Into $1.1m Judgment for Client

When a Florida woman was seriously injured in an auto accident, an insurance company ignored Kreindler’s demand letter that they pay our client’s insurance policy limit - $20,000. As a result of the insurance company’s lack of response, Kreindler pursued the case throughout a complex series of events to show bad faith on the part of the insurer. Instead of the initial $20,000 demand, Kreindler was able to secure a judgment of $1.1 million on behalf of our client.

Some of our most successful cases have involved complex and unique legal challenges that had dissuaded other law firms from accepting them.

$3.3 Million for Hunter Shot Twice During Club Deer Hunt

During a Thanksgiving deer hunt, our client was shot by another hunter, causing serious permanent injuries. Through extensive research, partner Noah Kushlefsky discovered that the organizers had poorly managed the deer hunt. By naming the hunting club as a defendant along with the shooter, Kreindler was able to secure a $3.3 million settlement for the victim.

Kreindler Attorneys Are Here for You

The Kreindler team brings in expert investigators and witnesses, including medical specialists to help prove that the client’s injuries were caused by someone else’s acts or negligence. We also draw on our own vast database of relevant case law to cite precedents that benefit our clients.

Determining All the Money You’re Entitled To

Inside New York Torts Law book Chapter 16 Products Liability page.
Kreindler's New York Law of Torts (Vols. 14-16)

These calculations include compensation for current and future medical expenses, pain and suffering, other non-economic damages, loss of wages, and impact on daily living. In the case of fatal accidents, we show all the ways that your loss has, and will in the future, impact your family. 

Financial compensation may come from a successful court judgment or settlement. Defendants often agree to settle for an appropriate amount, which we negotiate on your behalf. Getting to that point typically involves intricate legal strategies and arduous research to counter the strenuous efforts of the defendant’s legal team.

Photo of a headshot of partner Anthony Tarricone.
We only consider ourselves successful after we've obtained the highest recovery the law will allow for our clients.
~ Anthony Tarricone | Partner
New York Law of Torts

Kreindler's New York Law of Torts Treatise

Kreindler has literally written the book on New York tort law. Our partners wrote and edit this well-regarded industry treatise in which veteran litigators from Kreindler analyze torts involving individuals, companies, joint tortfeasors, family members, and government.

Look inside the book here

What types of wrongful death and serious injury cases does Kreindler handle?

  • Aviation Accidents
  • Maritime Accidents
  • Travel & Tourism Accidents
  • Product Liability Claims
  • Terrorism Litigation
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Pharmaceutical Injury
  • Medical Device Injury
  • Sports Injury
  • Workplace Injury
  • Premises Liability
  • Toxic & Environmental Injury

Referring Counsel: Let’s Discuss Your Client’s Case 

Kreindler regularly partners with attorneys who already have a relationship with the victim or their family. If there is an award, we share our fee while allowing referring attorneys to be as involved as is appropriate. 

Lawyers unfamiliar with the complex challenges of wrongful death and serious personal injury law may miss key issues, and therefore opportunities to secure and maximize compensation. We have the resources to dig deep and challenge even large, international companies in court. 

In every practice area, we fight tirelessly for what is right, just as we have from day one.

The Client-First Law Firm

Compassion. Respect. Individual attention. This exceptional service and drive to win for every client affected by a wrongful death or serious personal injury are what makes Kreindler’s trial practice so successful. The diversity of our practice and the depth of our experience allows us to represent clients and obtain maximum compensation successfully.

One of the very few law firms that I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with, they are very dedicated, and most importantly, they communicate with their clients!
~ Kevin B. | Client

What should I do after a serious accident or a fatality in my family?

It’s important to contact an attorney as soon as possible for guidance. The earlier the lawyer can begin investigating, the more information they can gather to help ensure a positive legal and financial outcome.

It’s advised that you don’t agree to a financial settlement from the responsible party before talking with your attorney. Such settlements may be far below what you rightly deserve.

Kreindler Attorneys Are Here to Answer Your Questions

Since 1950, our attorneys have served as leading counsel in nearly every major commercial aviation disaster litigation. Having helped so many others, we understand the impact a wrongful death or serious injury can have on your family and life. Sadly, what has been done cannot be undone. However, we are here to help you achieve a sense of closure, justice, and financial security to help you move on following a tragedy. 

Call today 800.331.2782 or fill out our contact form.