Kreindler & Kreindler Are Trial Lawyers Seeking Justice for Victims of Terrorist Attacks
When people die or are seriously injured from terrorist activity, litigating their cases and collecting damages poses unique challenges. Kreindler plaintiff attorneys have the global experience, financial resources, and international reputation to take on those challenges, even after the most catastrophic events.
Naval Air Station Pensacola Terror Attack
Partners Daniel Rose, Jim Kreindler, and Andrew Maloney filed a lawsuit v. Saudi Arabia on behalf of victims and their families who were shot in the Naval Air Station Pensacola Terror Attack. The lawsuit, filed under the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), alleges that the kingdom sent a known, radicalized al-Qaeda member to the United States under a joint military training program.
September 11th Litigation and Victim Compensation Fund (Zadroga)
Including our leadership in the original 9/11 lawsuits, and our current work with the Zadroga September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, and the terrorism case against Saudi Arabia, no law firm in the world has worked harder or helped more families who suffered as a result of 9/11 than Kreindler.
Saudi Arabia 9/11 Terrorism Case
Kreindler continues to be a leader in holding those responsible for the terrorist events of 9/11 to account. We represent thousands of families from the 9/11 terror attacks in the ongoing international case against Saudi Arabia - Ashton et al v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund
Kreindler has obtained default judgments against Iran for our 9/11 clients and has recovered on those judgments from the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund.
Pan Am 103 Lockerbie Bombing
Kreindler obtained the largest recovery for a single disaster in the history of aviation - nearly $3 billion - against Libya and Pan Am in lawsuits arising out of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
Who do you sue after a terrorist attack?
Typically, not the terrorists, but asset-rich entities such as the national governments who sponsor them, the banks that fund them, or the responsible parties that provided inadequate security.
A Deep Expertise in International Law and Terrorist Operations
It may take years to overcome complex jurisdictional issues, serve process, conduct discovery, plan and execute trial work, and successfully obtain a judgment. Enforcing that judgment presents its own share of challenges. Any terrorism litigation law firm that begins such a process must have the will to persevere on behalf of the innocent victims who were impacted.
Despite the demands and complexities, Kreindler has secured significant financial recovery for families in specific and legally historic instances.
Kreindler Leads the Fight on Behalf of 9/11 Victims
Over the two decades since September 11, 2001, no law firm in the world has recovered more money for 9/11 victims and their families than Kreindler. This includes not only those who died that day but also the many first responders, workers, NYC residents, and visitors who have been diagnosed with cancer and serious respiratory illnesses, long after breathing in the poisonous fumes and toxins following the destruction of the World Trade Center.
No other law firm in the world has collected more - over $4 billion - on behalf of 9/11 victims and their families than Kreindler.
Dedication to Victims of Terrorist Attacks
Kreindler’s commitment to justice means that we continue to pour resources into terrorist cases at our own expense since compensation is neither timely nor assured.
In all, over $4 billion has been recovered due to Kreindler’s diligence and leadership in helping to create and aiding victims in accessing the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund.
Kreindler in the Media
Partner Andrew Maloney in “Kingdom of Silence,” the Showtime documentary on the life and murder of Jamal Khashoggi.
Partner Jim Kreindler Talks About Saudia Arabia’s Links to the 9/11 Attacks on Fox
Kreindler Partner Andrew J. Maloney III on Fox News About 9/11 Victims’ Lawsuit
Continuing the Fight for Justice Against Saudi Arabia
The passage of Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), an effort in which Kreindler strongly lobbied Congress to make law shifted federal law slightly to ensure that the cases of terrorist victims will be decided on their merits, rather than providing immunity for foreign countries that support terrorists. JASTA paved the way for us to be able to file our ongoing case against the parties responsible for 9/11, Ashton et al v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
JASTA clarifies the law by removing the immunity from a foreign country that supports a terrorist attack on U.S. soil.
The Impact of JASTA for 9/11 Victims
Families of 9/11 victims suing Saudi Arabia for role in attacks
Fifteen years after 9/11, Congress unanimously passed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). The law makes a very small, but important, change to the federal laws relating to terrorism and foreign sovereign immunity. It was written to hold foreign governments accountable for supporting terrorist acts in the U.S. JASTA ensures that the cases of the 9/11 families will be decided on their merits, rather than based upon a narrow interpretation of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.
With JASTA in place,James Kreindler and his legal team could now file suit against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, an alleged sponsor of the 9/11 attackers. Not only were 19 of the 9/11 terrorists Saudi citizens, but Kreindler found that their government provided financial and logistical support for the attacks.
Never before has a U.S. court ordered such high-ranking government officials to appear for a deposition.
Kreindler Attorneys Leading the Fight Against Saudi Arabia
Kreindler has stood with our clients for the past fifteen years in tremendously challenging litigation to hold those responsible for 9/11 to account. Partner Jim Kreindler leads the Kreindler team in the wrongful death and personal injury cases along with partner Andrew Maloney and Megan Benett and of counsel Steve Pounian. They worked tirelessly to push for the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) to be passed.
No court has ever ordered a foreign nation to produce its highest-ranking ministers to provide testimony – let alone members of a royal family.
View U.S. Magistrate Judge's Opinion & Order.
In an extraordinary move based on Kreindler’s legal arguments, a U.S. District Court ordered the unprecedented deposition of key Saudi Arabian government officials, including three Saudi princes. Partner Jim Kreindler and partner Andrew Maloney Kreindler continue to fight for our clients in this ongoing case.
$2.7 Billion Recovered for the Victims of Pan Am Flight 103
Since so manyterrorist attacks involve airlines, Kreindler’s status as the world’s preeminent aircraft accident law firm perfectly positions us for such cases. Kreindler attorneys have served as leading counsel in every major airline disaster case since 1950, securing record amounts of compensation for U.S. and foreign victims and their families.
You can’t bring anybody back. All you can do is … get the truth out, and eventually make them pay.
After many years of litigation, we established liability against Libya's national government for its role in the 1988 terrorist attack over Lockerbie, Scotland, and we recovered a record $2.7 billion for the victims of Pan Am flight 103.
A Tragic December Day in 1988
At first, there was nothing notable about the airliner cruising high above the town of Lockerbie, Scotland. However, anyone looking up at the right time would have seen the plane suddenly decimated in a fiery explosion. The on-board bomb took the lives of all 259 people on board, and 11 Lockerbie residents crushed by the debris that rained down.
Kreindler attorneys immediately mobilized to monitor emerging facts about the tragedy, and its cause. After lengthy official investigations and UN-led negotiations, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 1999 handed over the two Libyan terrorists who were deemed responsible.
Many of the families of the bombing victims turned to Kreindler. Our exhaustive investigations showed that rather than two men acting alone, this was a case of state-sponsored terrorism.
Driven by Perseverance, Justice is Achieved
After 18 years of investigation and litigation on behalf of the tragedy’s victims, Kreindler attorneys successfully established liability against Libya’s national government. In 2003, facing sanctions, Gaddafi accepted responsibility for the Lockerbie bombing and agreed to offer appropriately substantial financial compensation.
Partner James Kreindler plays a leading role consolidating the efforts of multiple law firms and victims’ claims. He and fellow attorney Steven Pounian were named 2009 Trial Lawyers of the Year by the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice for their successful litigation against both Libya and Pan Am.
Referring Counsel: Let’s Discuss Your Client’s Case
Kreindler regularly partners with attorneys who already have a relationship with the victim or their family. If there is an award we share our fee while allowing referring attorneys to be as involved as is appropriate.
Lawyers unfamiliar with the complex challenges of terrorism litigation may miss key issues, and therefore opportunities to secure and maximize compensation. We have the resources to dig deep and challenge even large international companies in court.
We have spent countless hours and millions of dollars investigating and developing the 9/11 terrorism case against Saudi Arabia.
Unparalleled Experience Representing Victims of Terrorism
Overcoming the strenuous legal challenges of terrorism litigation to win record-setting verdicts on behalf of our clients, as in the more than $2.7 billion recovery for the victims of Pan Am flight 103, demonstrates the perseverance Kreindler attorneys and partners have to ensure every issue is resolved for our clients and each case. Our representation of 9/11 families and victims in their fight for justice on behalf of their lost loved ones began in 2001 will continue until those responsible are held accountable.
Call on Our Experience
Kreindler plaintiffs’ attorneys have served as leading counsel in nearly every major airline disaster case since 1950, securing record amounts of compensation for victims and their families as well as promoting improvements to aviation industry safety standards, practices, laws, and regulations. Flying is safer today, due in no small part to the seventy-year legacy of Kreindler’s advocacy and tenacity following aviation disasters.
Kreindler was the first law firm to prosecute an aviation plane crash case in 1952 and has become the leading, largest, and most successful aviation accident law firm since that time. Kreindler continues its legacy as a world leader in the practice of plaintiffs’ aviation accident law.
Call today 800.331.2782 or fill out our contact form.