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Mass Torts

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Mass Torts Law Firm

Kreindler & Kreindler Provides Relief for Multiple Victims of the Same Civil Offense

Complex Mass Tort and Multi-District Litigation (MDL) Law

Tort law involves lawsuits filed by one or more people who were injured by the non-criminal actions or negligence of the same offending party. Kreindler plaintiff attorneys specialize in complex Multi-District Litigation (MDL), in which the cases of multiple victims are heard by a single court.

Kreindler attorneys have a record of success in complex tort cases involving multiple jurisdictions.

The decision of which court will hear the case (‘choice of law’) can often have bearings on the outcome. That’s why the Kreindler team first works to move the proceedings to a venue likely to be sympathetic to the injury victims they represent.

Kreindler Prevails in Mass Tort Cases

Learn more about these successful and legally significant cases:

When multiple law firms represent clients in the same mass tort case, Kreindler attorneys are often assigned key leadership positions in the Plaintiff Committees.

What are Mass Torts?

A product maker, for example, has a ‘Duty of Care’ to ensure that their products are safe. When that turns out not to be the case, due to improper actions or negligence, those harmed by the same problem have a right to sue for fair compensation. Often, however, compensation comes out of a settlement agreement before the case gets to court.

This is considered a civil liability, with a determination based on a judge’s opinion and accumulated case precedents, as opposed to criminal liability, which is governed by legal statutes. Assigning liability and collecting monetary damages from the defendant has a secondary benefit of discouraging them from continuing the offending practice.

We take pride and work diligently to achieve record-setting victories on behalf of our clients
~ James Kreindler | Partner and Attorney

What is Multi District Litigation?

When people across the country are injured by the same product defect, it is more efficient for a single Federal court to consider all those cases together. Since tort laws vary by state, MDL cases are typically complicated and challenging to litigate. Court decisions often rest on proving negligence, or the continuation of a practice despite known risks.

With Multi-District Litigation, similar cases are considered together, but a separate legal determination is made for each individual plaintiff. This is different from a class action suit, in which one court decision or one settlement agreement offers the same remedy to all the victims.

New York Law of Torts

Kreindler's New York Law of Torts Treatise

Kreindler has literally written the book on New York tort law. Our partners wrote and edit this well-regarded industry treatise in which veteran litigators from Kreindler analyze torts involving individuals, companies, joint tortfeasors, family members, and government.

Look inside the book here

The Kreindler Mass Tort/MDL Legal Team

Large Mass Tort Cases Hinge on Small Technical Details

Kreindler attorneys and investigators are joined by top engineering and safety experts in digging deep to uncover issues that others may miss. Establishing the root cause of the problem is key to establishing legal liability for your injuries. When companies fail to ensure that their products are safe, they need to be held accountable.

Could a pharmaceutical company, medical device maker or other company be held responsible for your injuries? Consult with a Kreindler attorney for free and find out.

More Than Medical Expenses

Kreindler attorneys work to ensure you are financially compensated not just for medical costs, but anything else you need to get back on your feet and leave worry behind. It’s what we’ve been doing for 70 years. Other attorneys know our reputation, and often partner with us or refer to us for the most complex tort cases.

Types of Impact That May Be Included in a Claim for Compensation:

  • Physical injury
  • Pain and suffering
  • Effect on daily living
  • Psychological distress
  • Loss of wages or career
  • Special transportation needs
  • Consumer injury
  • Wrongful death
  • Punitive damages

Typical Issues That May Result in Injury and a Claim for Compensation:

  • Faulty Consumer products
  • Defective aircraft or components
  • Unsafe automobile features
  • Unclear Instructions/safety warnings
  • Injurious pharmaceuticals
  • Defective medical devices
  • Faulty industrial equipment
  • Faulty ladders and scaffolding
  • Unsafe working conditions

In the Media

Read more about the Volkswagen emissions scandal.
Kreindler settled claims on behalf of businesses that suffered financial losses as a result of the oil spill.
Successful Settlement of Claims Relating to GranuFlo NaturaLyte Litigation

Referring Counsel: Let’s Discuss Your Client’s Case 

Kreindler regularly partners with attorneys who already have a relationship with the victim or their family. If there is an award we share our fee while allowing referring attorneys to be as involved as is appropriate. 

Lawyers unfamiliar with the complex challenges of mass torts law may miss key issues, and therefore opportunities to secure and maximize compensation. We have the resources to dig deep and challenge even large international companies in court. 

Kreindler attorneys have extensive experience taking on highly complex cases often hinging on technical details.

Kreindler’s Mass Torts Experience

Every mass torts and product liability claim is fact-specific. Kreindler conducts a thorough investigation in each case to determine if improper design, manufacturing procedures, poor safety standards, or faulty installation techniques led to the catastrophic or life-threatening accident. We will also seek to understand if the accident could have been prevented by clearer safety warnings. We prepare every case so that we will have the best result possible at trial.

Kreindler Attorneys Here to Answer Your Questions

Since 1950, our attorneys have served as leading counsel in nearly every major commercial aviation disaster litigation. Having helped so many others, we really do understand the impact a mass torts injury can have on your family and your life. Sadly, what has been done cannot be undone. However, we are here to help you achieve a sense of closure, justice, and financial security to help you move on following a tragedy. 

Call today 800.331.2782 or fill out our contact form.