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9/11 Cancers

FEMA photo of an aerial view of Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan.

Cancer risks are increased among those present at exposure areas.

As of January 18, 2023, the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) added Uterine Cancer and Endometrial Cancer to the list of eligible cancers for compensation from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund.

To learn more about your eligibility and compensation, visit our main page about the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund.

The people who have been diagnosed with cancer and other serious illnesses related to the terrorist attacks in New York* on September 11th, 2001 are generally divided into 2 groups, first responders who worked at Ground Zero on 9/11 and beyond, and survivors - who are made up of residents, area workers, students, volunteers and visitors. Historically, first responders to 9/11 have received more frequent cancer diagnoses than the general population. Those who were present at the World Trade Center (WTC) during rescue and debris-removal operations have almost a 10% higher chance of developing cancer compared to the general public. (*in addition to the New York City Exposure Zone, the World Trade Center Health Program and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund helps people who were present at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and the Shanksville, PA Flight 93 crash site on September 11, 2001, too.   

Certain cancers occur in 9/11 first responders at shockingly higher rates than the general public:

  • 25% higher rates of prostate cancer
  • 41% higher rates of leukemia
  • 219% higher rates of thyroid cancer 

Almost 27,000 September 11th Victims Have Been Diagnosed With Cancer

Victims diagnosed with certified 9/11 cancers are eligible to receive financial awards from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (9/11 VCF).

Are you eligible to collect
9/11 Cancer Compensation?

What are the most-commonly diagnosed 9/11-related cancers? 

  • Non-melanoma 
  • Skin 
  • Prostate 
  • Breast – Female 
  • Melanoma of Skin 
  • Lymphoma 
  • Prostate 
  • Breast – Female 
  • Melanoma of Skin 
  • Lymphoma 

Why did September 11th result in so many cancer diagnoses?

September 11th survivors are frequently diagnosed with 9/11-related cancers. Ten thousand non-responders have received a 9/11-linked cancer diagnosis. Certain cancers are more prevalent within the 9/11 community due to the chemical composition of the fumes and rubble at the attack sites. Sixty-eight forms of cancer have been linked to Ground Zero.


What does the World Trade Center Health Program Provide?

Those who were exposed at 9/11 attack sites can register with the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) to receive free treatment and cancer monitoring as well as other health services. Cancer can take many decades to develop before it is discovered. The latency period - time between initial exposure and the diagnosable onset, varies for each type of cancer. For many types of 9/11-related cancers, latency periods are long and many who were exposed to the toxins are still developing illnesses. Early detection is vital to successfully treating cancer.

The WTCHP  has documented a 1,000% increase in cancer diagnosis among its participants since 2013. Each recognized 9/11 cancer has its own latency period and may enable a qualifying victim to receive an award from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (9/11 VCF).  

Who qualifies for 9/11 VCF awards?

Victims who have not yet registered with the 9/11 VCF should do so sooner than later to preserve their right to file a claim for cancer compensation, including for any future diagnosis. The Fund began as a program to provide compensation to families of deceased 9/11 victims or to surviving victims who were suffering from acute physical injuries. 

The 9/11 VCF was revised over the years to include victims of respiratory and digestive conditions as evidence proved that those medical complications arose from exposure to the toxic environment created by the attacks. Medical evidence also revealed that the September 11th dust cloud was likely generating cancers. The 9/11 VCF provides compensation to qualifying victims who are suffering from 9/11-certified cancers.

9/11 victims continue to develop health issues.

FDNY first responders at Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan

September 11th victims continue to face worsening health issues and are developing new illnesses attributed to 9/11. A 2021 medical study, published by Cambridge University Press, found “cancer in general, as well as lung disease, heart disease and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), seem to be increasing among 9/11 responders, even now close to 20 years later.” Researchers expect that as that population ages, they will develop additional 9/11-related health complications. Financial compensation cannot eradicate this health crisis, but it can help to alleviate some of the difficulties brought on by these 9/11-related illnesses.

Kreindler’s History Working for  9/11 Cancer Victims 

Kreindler & Kreindler has assisted thousands of 9/11 cancer victims with submitting VCF claims and helping them to receive their fair compensation. Our managing partner, Noah Kushlefsky, and his VCF staff have recovered over $4 billion on behalf of our clients since filing our first claim in 2001. Our dedicated VCF team has developed methods that simplify the filing process. No responder or survivor should experience the added stress of filing a claim with the VCF while also trying to overcome an illness. Kreindler files first claims and amended claims for deteriorating health or new diagnosis on behalf of victims so they can focus on their health, future and moving past the 9/11 tragedy.